Top 3 Obstacles Preventing You From Achieving Goals

At the beginning of 2023 I attended a vision board party. I cut up images and words of what I really wanted to accomplish. Were they realistic goals? Probably not, but it was what was in my heart that I truly wanted for my life. A couple months passed and the board was catching dust. Why? Because I was afraid of truly reaching my full potential. I have to be honest and say I knew I wanted to fully rededicate my life to Christ, that was one of my biggest goals, but I was afraid of all I had to sacrifice, and other thoughts hindered my want for change. It wasn’t until I had a moment of self-reflection where I told myself “Stop being a hypocrite and walk boldly”. I needed the reminder to constantly practice what I preached.


Whether it is fear of failure or fear of sacrificing, fear is the top obstacle preventing you from marking off the checklist. My bible says that God doesn’t give us the spirit of fear but one of power, and love and self control. 2 Timothy 1:7. Walk boldly in your faith and in your name! If you do fail, you will grow from it and move forward!

I did have to sacrifice a lot of carnal desires but I gained so many spiritual gifts. 

Be bold and know that overcoming that fear opens the door to the powerful things the Lord is about to accomplish in your life.


We got used to the way we live, and it has become the norm. If trying something new or change in itself just isn’t in your comfort zone. I completely understand, yet it somehow allows us to jump on the mentality of “it is what it is” or “this is my life now”. We push those goals to "eventually", or to a “someday”. Yet someday will quickly turn into a never occurrence. 

The cure to that is to create small adjustments daily. Get out of that comfort zone just a little at first. For me it was the route to work, then the attendance of church. It was also setting a time to read God’s word. That slowly turned into being mindful of my language. Slowly it allowed me to accomplish the goal of not cursing to even networking more. 

Negative Mindset

My bible says, “As someone thinks within himself, so he is” Proverbs 23:7. Way before I knew of this verse, I knew how powerful your mind and thoughts are in your life. The law of attraction is what was taught to me in high school. The “what you put out you receive” also works for your thought on something will be how you forever perceive on it. If you don’t think you’re good enough, you will never be good enough.

I thought I wasn’t strong enough, I wasn't bold enough, I wasn’t beautiful enough. It wasn’t until I changed my mindset to a more positive one. I realized those negative thoughts were defeating thoughts, that I needed to change them into positive empowering thoughts. If not, those negative thoughts will hinder any attempt for a progressive mindset.

You got this! 

You will succeed! You will accomplish anything you set your mind to.

You will get out of that comfort zone and adjust your mindset! God will help guide you into the success you need. Write out the goals for just this week and do something to help accomplish them, even if it's baby steps.

Proverbs 16:3 Commit all your activities to the Lord and your plans will be achieved.

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